University named to Princeton Review’s Green Colleges list

University of Wisconsin-Stout has been named one of the top “green” colleges in the U.S.
September 25, 2017
Students Katie Ankowicz and Connor Hobart work in the UW-Sprout Campus Garden.
Students Katie Ankowicz and Connor Hobart work in the UW-Sprout Campus Garden. / UW-Stout

With its commitment to sustainability and the environment, University of Wisconsin-Stout has been named one of the top “green” colleges in the U.S.

The Princeton Review, an education services company, has included UW-Stout in its seventh annual ranking of the top 375 Green Colleges. Universities chosen for the list are not ranked further within the top 375, although a top 50 list also was announced.

Sarah RykalThe ranking is based on data from Princeton Review’s survey of hundreds of four-year colleges and universities. On a 99-point scale, universities that made the top 375 had to score at least 80. UW-Stout scored 86 points.

Sustainability Director Sarah Rykal said UW-Stout is “delighted” to make the Princeton Review’s Guide to 375 Green Colleges.

“Our students, faculty, and staff have worked very hard to incorporate sustainability into many areas of our campus operations and curriculum, as well as our student government initiatives. This really highlights all our hard work to become a more sustainable campus,” she said.

Areas of environmental stewardship and sustainability that helped UW-Stout make the list include: a Sustainability Steering Committee; sustainability-focused undergraduate and graduate degree programs; part of the university food budget allocated to local and organic food; and transportation options, including Bikeshare, car-sharing and car/van pooling programs, free or reduced price transit passes, a free shuttle program and free or reduced parking passes for can/van pooling vehicles.

Sustainable StoutOther ways in which UW-Stout incorporates sustainability into its academic programs and operations are:

  • Reducing and diverting waste since 2012, including recycling and composting programs
  • Opportunities for student sustainability projects
  • Community partnerships with the Joint Sustainability Working Group, Sustainable Dunn, Tainter Menomin Lake Improvement Association and more  
  • Continuing education courses that address sustainability
  • Sustainability training at student orientation
  • Outreach campaigns, including Recyclemania, Biggest Reducer Energy Competition, We Turn Lights Off Here and I Love Tap Water
  • Outreach materials through the Sustainable Stout Facebook and Instagram pages, sustainability website, various guides, posters and brochures
  • A student-run garden, UW-Sprout Campus Garden.

Learn more at the Sustainable Stout website.



Top: Students Katie Ankowicz and Connor Hobart work in the UW-Sprout Campus Garden.

Middle: Sarah Rykal, sustainability director

Bottom: Sustainable Stout logo

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