This semester has been challenging. As it comes to an end, your student’s final exams are just around the corner.
If they need a little extra support from you, here are three ways you can help them prepare:
- CHECK the exam website and schedule.
- ENGAGE. Encourage your student to reach out to their professors with questions.
- MOTIVATE your student with some incentive. Send them a note, a care package, or if they are home, treat them to a coffee, cookies or their favorite meal.
Plus, a variety of tutoring resources are available to support your student in their studies.
With our change to online courses after fall break, no in-person finals will be offered. Some faculty members may offer alternatives to a final exam – for example, a project or presentation.
Registrar Josh Lind suggests, “Students should stay in close contact with their instructors about details for final exams.”
Thank you for supporting your student!