Helping Hand Food+ Pantry

Providing food, hygiene products, and school supplies to Stout students
In this Section

Supporting Stout Students in Need. 

Healthy & Filling Food Options. 
Quick and Easy Meals & Snacks. 
School Supplies & Personal Hygiene Products.

More than a third of university students across the U.S. face food insecurity. At UW-Stout, we're committed to ensuring Blue Devils never go hungry.


Donations Accepted

We have a University Foundation account! Please click the link to donate. All funds go to purchasing food or supplies.
Donate to Help
Come visit us at the pantry!

On April 2, 2018, Helping Hand food plus pantry opened at UW-Stout for all students. Helping Hand provides access to food and other life essentials for students facing any level of food insecurity.

Helping Hand Food+ Pantry is staffed by student volunteers and a Student Pantry Manager (funded by SSA).

Pantry Options

  • personal hygiene items
  • food
  • household items
  • winter coats
  • hats/mittens
  • interview attire
  • school supplies
  • produce, milk & egg vouchers (when available)
  • snacks