Featured Online Courses
EDUC 655 Strategies for Dealing with Disruptive Behavior (Classroom Management)
EDUC 665 Mindful Approaches to Classroom Management
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Our Students Say...
"This class has impacted my perspective on the importance of creating circles of caring and bully-free classrooms... Every student has the right to feel safe at school."
~ Department of Defense Schools Teacher/Counselor Italy
“I loved the interaction with instructor and classmates. I'd take another online class in a heartbeat."
~ High School 'At Risk' Teacher, Cambridge, Wisconsin
Empathy Should Become Part of Everyone’s Vocabulary
Empathy separates a good workplace from a great one and research has shown that the correlation between empathy and leadership performance is stronger than any other skill.
This short article from Wisetail offers five insights about empathetic leadership of virtual teams. Anyone working at a distance will recognize the wisdom found here.
Apt, well-chosen hyperlinks reveal the tools and science of becoming present in a web-based world.
Teaching for Tolerance: Classroom Resources
Here is a treasure chest of learning plans, perspective texts, strategies, film kits, student tasks, and posters.
This rich resource archive is just one part of a comprehensive website dedicated to professional development and to teaching, “...the broad range of skills we need to live together peacefully.”
Turning the Tide: Inspiring Concern For Others And The Common Good Through College Admissions
Overview of Research
What if we could reshape the college admissions process to encourage high school students to seek “Service that Develops Gratitude and a Sense of Responsibility for the Future”?
The Making Caring Common Project from the Harvard School of Education offers five recommendations to fundamentally change college admissions procedures for the common good.
The Value of Compassion in Teaching
Teacher Alyssa Nucaro tells how modeling compassion and caring helps students learn and prosper despite the chaos and violence in their lives. Practical tips and resources you can use right now.
"Four simple ways to model and promote compassion, which is especially important for students with adverse childhood experiences."
Compassion Games International
Looking for an engaging way to start the school year? Sponsored by Teaching Tolerance, this two-week online event helps individuals and teams to reach beyond their boundaries in a “Survival of the Kindest” competition.
The variety of activities provides choices for everyone. Choose your challenge and make it so.
Empatico - Connect Your Classroom to the World
Empatico is for students ages 7-11. Connect with a partner class and explore the world together. The emphasis is on, “curiosity, kindness, and empathy”.
Research-based activities and live video connections bring the outside in. (Empatico is free for educators everywhere.)
Tech Tip
The Windows 10 sticky app for digital notes on your desktop is easy to manage and customize.